You can purchase after-sales service parts through our website, except for consumables and some after-sales service parts for particular products. Please check the availability and prices of after-sales service parts by clicking on the Parts button on the bottom of each product detail page. (The Parts button is missing for some products, which means no after-sales service parts are available for them. For details, please contact us.)
*Customers arranging parts and performing repairs themselves are requested to remember that they do so at their risk.
*We may be unable to guide disassembling or reassembling the product.
*The listed parts prices are subject to change without notice due to changes in product specifications.
The listed parts prices on this website are for our current products, and the configuration of parts may differ from that of your product.
The following conditions apply to our repair service: (Our repair service excludes items beyond repairs, such as consumables and products for which after-sales service parts are obsolete. For details, please contact us.)
*In the case of a repair request from overseas, the repair charge added with the round-trip shipping cost may exceed the product price. We recommend that you purchase a replacement or purchase after-sales service parts and repair the product by yourself. For details, please consult us with the following repair order form.
We will quote the repair charge after we receive the product. If the replacement of parts is required, please pay a replacement service charge in addition to the price of the parts. The replacement of nondamaged parts may be required in addition to the damaged parts, such as when it is necessary to remove adhesives. For the price of each of the parts, please check with the Parts button on the bottom of each product detail page. The replacement service charge for parts may vary from 500 to 3,000 yen, depending on the parts.